First Steps

To try our setup you first have to checkout the client-tools repo

git clone

from here on out you can use the Makefile in the client-tools repository. Switch into the folder:

cd client-tools

Test Setup (Vagrant)

If you simply want to test the setup inside a small vagrant machine, type:


this will take a while, but leave you inside a vagrant machine.

Here you can go to the distributor component and run a test program.

cd /vagrant/distributor/
sudo python3

Only Genode Image and Task Binaries

If you only want to build the operating system (for the target focnados_pbxa0) including the binaries execute If you want another target adjust the parameter accordingly. The binaries can afterwards be found in the ‘bin’ folder.

make genode-init
make binaries OS-TARGET=focnados_pbxa9

Local Execution

For local execution a dhcp server has to be setup which takes care of ip assignment. If the execution applies Genode on Qemu instances sudo rights are necessary to create and remove the network interfaces. If the execution uses Genode on real hardware, the boards have to be prepared accordingly and the images must be provided for them to fetch. To setup the repository execute (adjust OS-TARGET accordingly)

make venv
make distributor-init
make genode-init
make binaries OS-TARGET=focnados_pbxa9
make datageneration

Then you can enter the venv by typing

source malsami/bin/activate

You are now inside the venv within which the dependencies are ready to execute a programm like e.g. the inside the datageneration.